The author could explore the psychological side of each character and make it more of a mental manga like death note but no.he drives himself constantly into mindless action scenes that seem so forced from the beginning. The story is meshed with the typical love story and one sided characters, predictable plot twists and the visual information is nothing more than poor.
Mirai nikki mangá how to#
It's a nice freshening idea but the author is to stuck to the rules imposed by the genres it follows and clearly doesn't know how to handle the potential of its own idea. The premise of Mirai Nikki seems ideal for a manga format, Highschool kids with powers that can predict the future from various prespectives and they have to kill everyone in order to "win" the "game". The world is filled with good Ideas for the different mediums society presents to us.
Mirai nikki mangá series#
Read Maoh: Juvenile Remix - that's a REAL psychological series with a REAL story and REAL main character. The person who created the character Amano Yukiteru and all subsequent interactions and causalities relating to him show shrivel in a corner in shame and not return until they've found a way to right this calamitous wrong. The person who created the Mirai Nikki storyline should be heralded as a genius. and then there's the people who see all of his ridiculously absurd antics and still try to help him as if he's the only 'savior' despite the fact that everyone else has more chance of getting things done than he does? Why is this 'main character must be 'THE ONE'' trip always so over-enforced? Frankly, it's sickening. He whimpers, he cries, he butchers his friends and then tells Yuno not to kill Aru? Not to kill her past self? Despite the fact that he's just slain people he's allegedly considered his 'first friends', just because of what? Siding with Yuno despite the amount of screwed up sh*t she's done to him? What a mess. Amano Yukiteru is worthless and doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing. Having to see his face in this story makes me sad, and makes me want to burn the pages he's on. On the other hand, people will slate it and think it's awful, because, despite how much the 'fans' disagree, there are so many pointless actions that could have been avoided the main character is a pathetic, miserable, contradictory, waste-of-space, heart-wrenchingly disgusting sack of sh*t who should never have been introduced to the story in the first place. Yuno is a well-written character with a wicked back-story Aru is just completely cool Ninth is bad-ass as can be Seventh are a decent couple and have values that are non-existent throughout the rest of the story. People will think it's good, because the idea is really good. Reading something before someone else doesn't give you sole rights to everyone's opinion. Some people have posted that they read this manga before it was popular, which is why it irritates them that people think it's not good - what a load of rubbish.